SNJ & LNJ Series

Model: SNJ & LNJ Category:

Good quality NdFeb magnetic Fishing magnet with Stainless Steel eyebolt kit with rope

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           Fishing magnet is perfect for magnetic fishing, treasure hunting, salvaging underwater, as well as seeking for something old and mysterious. Using the fishing magnets to find some missing metal parts at your workshop or house yard.

Model D
M Weight
SNJ20 20 10 19 27 7 M4 27 11kg/25lb
SNJ25 25 12 22.5 32 8 M5 44 20kg/45lb
SNJ32 32 12 22.5 32 8 M5 59 32kg/70lb
SNJ36 36 15.5 27 38.5 8 M6 71 43kg/90lb
SNJ42 42 15,5 27 39.1 8.6 M6 98 65kg/140lb
LNJ48 48 19.5 34.5 47 11 M8 197 75kg/160lb
LNJ55 55 19.5 34.5 48 12 M8 278 95kg/200lb
LNJ60 60 19.5 34.5 51 15 M8 330 160kg/350lb
LNJ70 70 24.5 41 60.5 17 M10 608 210kg/450lb
LNJ75 75 24.5 41 61.5 18 M10 632 250kg/550lb
LNJ80 80 24.5 41 61.5 18 M10 821 280kg/600lb
LNJ90 90 24,5 41 61.5 18 M10 899 380kg/800lb
LNJ120 120 27.5 50 68.5 18 M12 1510 480kg/1000lb

       Attention:The force of product in this catalog have been determined at room temperature on a plate in polished steel (Q235B) with a thickness of 10 mm (80mm/min).


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